Understanding Cold Storage and FYBIT’s Commitment to Security

In cryptocurrencies, ensuring the security of assets is paramount. While the underlying technology of blockchain provides a level of security that is inherently robust, the platforms and wallets where these assets are stored can be vulnerable. This is where the concept of cold storage comes into play.

Cold storage, often referred to as a cold wallet, is a method of storing cryptocurrency private keys in an offline environment. This is done to protect the wallet from unauthorized access, cyber threats, and vulnerabilities that come with internet connectivity. Essentially, cold storage is like a digital safe-deposit box, keeping your cryptocurrency assets secure and away from potential breaches.

When it comes to traditional banking, if your credit card details or bank account gets compromised, the bank can usually restore lost funds. However, in the world of cryptocurrencies, if your digital wallet is compromised and tokens are stolen, they are often irrevocable. Most digital currencies are decentralized, meaning they lack the backing of a central authority that can intervene in case of theft. This decentralized nature, while offering many advantages, also necessitates extra precautions.

The history of cryptocurrencies is unfortunately littered with incidents of exchange breaches. Here are some of the most significant:

  • Binance (2022): A staggering $570 million worth of BNB tokens was siphoned off by hackers from a blockchain bridge used in the BNB Chain. Though a significant portion of the stolen tokens was frozen, around $110 million remained unrecoverable.
  • Poly Network (2021): This remains the largest confirmed cryptocurrency heist, where hackers managed to exploit vulnerabilities to walk away with a whopping $610 million. Fortunately, negotiations led to the return of all the stolen assets.
  • Coincheck (2018): This Japanese-based cryptocurrency exchange lost $530 million in NEM tokens due to a breach. Investigations revealed the hackers took advantage of the platform’s inadequate security measures.
  • MT Gox (2014): This early Bitcoin exchange leaked funds for years before the breach was discovered in 2014. Hackers made off with bitcoins worth $470 million at that time. The stolen amount today would be valued at approximately $4.7 billion.
  • FTX (2023): In a recent breach, FTX declared a loss of $415 million post-hack. This led to the platform moving its remaining funds to cold storage to ensure further security.

At FYBIT, we understand the crucial importance of asset security. The lessons from these major hacks are clear, and we’ve taken every possible measure to ensure that our users’ assets are protected.

Over 99.5% of the assets on FYBIT are stored in cold storage. Only a minuscule 0.5% of assets are kept in hot wallets to facilitate daily operations. By doing this, we ensure that even in the unlikely event of a breach, the vast majority of our users’ assets remain untouched and secure.

But how do a user’s bitcoins get into cold storage on FYBIT? When a user deposits bitcoins into their FYBIT account, the assets initially reside in a secure hot wallet to confirm the transaction and ensure its validity. Once confirmed, the majority of these assets are transferred to cold storage. This process is automated, ensuring that assets aren’t exposed to online vulnerabilities for longer than absolutely necessary.

Cold storage isn’t just a fancy term; it’s an essential component of a holistic approach to cryptocurrency security. At FYBIT, we prioritize the safety of our users’ assets, implementing best practices and continuously auditing our systems for potential vulnerabilities.

Cryptocurrencies offer a world of opportunities, and while they come with their set of challenges, platforms like FYBIT are committed to mitigating risks and providing a secure trading environment. As we advance into the future of digital assets, it’s paramount to prioritize security, and FYBIT stands at the forefront of this endeavor.

Trade safely, and trust in the security measures that platforms like FYBIT have in place.