FED Official’s Critical Statements: Will the Federal Reserve Take a Concrete Step Towards CBDCs?

Michelle Bowman, a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve (FED), made critical statements about Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) and stablecoins at a roundtable discussion organized by Harvard Law School. Bowman stated that the arguments supporting CBDCs are not convincing and emphasized that stablecoins could pose a significant threat to financial stability.

Statements from FED Official

Stablecoins, which are cryptocurrencies pegged to fiat currencies like the US Dollar or the Euro, have become a frequently debated topic in the public eye as the crypto asset industry continues to grow. Particularly in recent times, arguments have been made by numerous US regulators that stablecoins could pose a threat to financial stability.

Michelle Bowman, a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, addressed the ongoing stablecoin debates in the public eye at a roundtable discussion organized by Harvard Law School and also answered questions about whether the Federal Reserve will take a concrete step towards CBDCs. Bowman expressed that she is not convinced by the arguments put forward regarding the potential benefits of CBDCs.

Bowman stated that the arguments put forward regarding the potential benefits of CBDCs are not convincing and mentioned that the Fed’s instant payment service, FedNow, and similar systems could already address some challenges in the financial system. Additionally, the FED official noted that the Federal Reserve is currently far from taking a concrete step towards developing its own central bank digital currency, but work on CBDCs is ongoing. In fact, in a report published last year on CBDCs, the FED stated that support from Congress is necessary for the development of the US Central Bank’s digital currency.

Can Stablecoins Pose a Threat to Financial Stability?

Michelle Bowman, a member of the Board of Governors of the FED, also addressed stablecoins in her statements. Bowman’s remarks emphasized that stablecoins could pose a significant threat to financial stability.

Michelle Bowman stated that they will always support responsible innovations that can benefit consumers, but precautions must also be taken for risks that could harm the banking system and potentially customers. Bowman, a member of the FED Board of Governors, warned about the potential risks of stablecoins and used the expression “I caution against solutions that could contribute to financial stability risks.”


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