Top CEOs Endorse Kamala Harris as Campaign Opens to Crypto Donations

Топ-менеджеры одобряют Камалу Харрис, поскольку кампания открывается для криптовалютных пожертвований

  • A total of 88 top executives, including CEOs from Box, Yelp, and Snap, endorse Kamala Harris for president.
  • Harris’s campaign begins accepting cryptocurrency donations through Coinbase Commerce.
  • Crypto endorsement hints at potential Democratic shift towards a more crypto-friendly stance.

A group of 88 current and former corporate executives has endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for president, according to a CNBC report. Among the signatories are well-known CEOs, such as Aaron Levie of Box, Jeremy Stoppelman of Yelp, and Michael Lynton, chairman of Snap, Inc.

Corporate America Rallies Behind Kamala Harris

The list includes several high-profile figures who have publicly endorsed her for the first time. This group features James Murdoch, former CEO of 21st Century Fox, and Chris Larsen, co-founder of blockchain firm Ripple. The endorsement letter states Harris will support the “strength, security, and reliability” of U.S. democracy and economy.

They also highlighted her commitment to promoting “fair and predictable policies” that would help build a strong business environment. Corporate leaders believe her leadership will strengthen the rule of law…

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