Spot Ethereum ETF Race Intensifies as Issuers Prepare for Imminent Launch

The race to launch America’s first spot Ethereum exchange-traded fund is heating up as issuers get their ducks in a row with final preparations.

ETF issuers are making their final preparations to launch spot Ethereum-based products in the United States next week.

On July 18, ETF Store president Nate Geraci noted that the final S-1s were in from prospective spot ETH ETF issuers. The Form S-1 is the initial registration form for new securities required by the SEC for public companies.

Two months ago, “just about everyone thought these had no chance of approval,” he added before predicting that the launch date could be Tuesday, July 23.

ETH ETFs Gearing Up

On July 18, Bloomberg ETF analyst James Seffart summarized the offerings from the nine spot Ethereum ETFs that are expected to launch for trading next week. The interesting thing to observe is the fee structure, with the heavyweights BlackRock and Fidelity charging just 0.25% in fees for their yet-to-launch funds.

As an initial sweetener, BlackRock is issuing a reduction for the first 12 months or $2.5 billion gathered in assets for its iShares Ethereum Trust (ETHA). Fidelity stated it would waive fees for its FETH fund until the end of the year. Ark 21Shares and Bitwise are asking for 0.21% and 0.2%, respectively.

There has been some concern over what will happen to Grayscale’s Ethereum Trust given the massive exodus from its Bitcoin fund, which lost more than 50% of assets under management since it converted to a spot ETF.

Grayscale will also charge a 0.25% fee for its mini ETH fund, according to recent filings. The firm has stated that 10% of its spot Ethereum ETF will establish its Ethereum Mini Trust, providing $1 billion in seed funding.

Hodl Capital estimated that a similar exodus from Grayscale’s ETHE fund could be as much as $10 billion in AUM.

Ethereum Price Outlook

Ethereum prices are holding up following an increase of more than 10% over the past seven days. The asset was trading just over $3,400 at the time of writing, having fallen from a 17-day high of $3,500 yesterday.

There may be a little pump if and when ETFs go live, but it is likely that prices have already been factored in.


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